Thursday, April 29, 2010

Distributors Required

Distributors Required: "Leading life care company invites Distributor, all over India, for its world class product, TRU-LIFE NONIInterested parties send Demand Draft of Rs. 950/- to..."

Wednesday, April 28, 2010



Asthma is primarily a disorder of the bronchial tubes, the airways that connect the windpipe (trachea) and the lungs. The bronchial tubes are surrounded by smooth muscle. The tubes themselves are lined with mucus glands and contain inflammatory immune-system cells called mast cells, lymphocytes, and eosinophils. When activated, these cells produce inflammatory mediators such as histamine and leukotrienes, which bind with receptors on cells within the bronchial tubes.

During as asthma attack, a cascade of events is launched that results in the production of histamine and leukotrienes. Leukotrienes are derived from the inflammatory arachidonic acid. These inflammatory mediators cause a host of changes in bronchial tissue: they trigger a dramatic increase in mucus secretion and a simultaneous rapid constriction of the bronchial smooth muscle, which narrows the bronchial tubes and reduces the amount of air that can pass through them. Over the course of the subsequent few hours, inflammatory cells move into the area, capillaries begin to leak fluid, and direct tissue damage occurs, triggering further inflammation and swelling. The net result is wheezing and coughing and eventual trapping of air in the alveoli (a tiny, thin-walled, capillary-rich sac in the lungs, or air sac) and smaller airways. This air trapping is most dangerous to the asthmatic because it progressively limits the amount of air that can be exchanged between the lungs and the blood stream, eventually causing rising carbon dioxide levels and falling oxygen levels. The increased muscular effort required to move air increases oxygen demand, tissue metabolism, and acid production, eventually resulting in exhaustion and, in extreme cases, respiratory collapse and arrest.


Higher levels of the antioxidants beta-carotene and vitamin C, along with the antioxidant trace minerals, were associated with a lower risk of asthma. The idea behind nutritional supplementation is to disrupt this inflammatory cascade whenever possible.

For example, omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to inhibit the production of arachidonic acid, which reduces the concentration of inflammatory leukotrienes . Other phytonutrients and flavonoids glycosides interfere with other causative factors in the inflammatory cascade, such as inhibiting nuclear factor kappa beta and an enzyme that converts arachidonic acid to leukotriene B4.

Scientists are also beginning to better understand the interaction between allergies, asthma, and oxidative stress. Oxidative stress occurs when highly reactive molecules, known as free radicals, interact with molecules within the body, especially DNA and mitochondrial membranes.

Experimental evidence suggests that some pollutants, such as vehicle exhaust, may produce oxidative stress in the bronchial tubes. Studies suggest that natural dietary supplementation with all nutrients and phyto nutrients like cysteine and alpha-lipoic acid, bio flavonoids , glycosides etc can enhance the pulmonary defenses, thus countering oxidative stress.
Antioxidants (vitamins C, E, and A). A number of studies have suggested that consuming antioxidants such as vitamins C, E, beta-carotene, flavonoids, selenium, and other nutrients reduces the risk of bronchoconstriction associated with asthma.
For instance, studies have shown that vitamin C and possibly vitamin E supplementation can alleviate the severity of asthma symptoms. Dietary supplementation with vitamin C and vitamin A has also been associated with reduced susceptibility to asthma attacks. Other studies have demonstrated that vitamin C or E supplementation may be a valuable addition to the treatment of patients with allergic rhinitis (otherwise known as hay fever) and asthma.

Dietary supplementation of vitamin C has also been found to help a specific form of asthma called exercise-induced asthma (EIA). People with EIA are usually symptom free when not exercising. Studies have found that 1 or 2 g vitamin C daily diminished episodes of EIA.
Flavonoids. Flavonoids have antioxidant properties and have been associated with improved lung function. One study demonstrated that a high dietary intake of the flavonoids was associated with a lower prevalence of asthma.

Noni acts as an effective and powerful anti-oxidant. It contains all the vitamins and minerals – Vita A, C, E, B1, B2, B6, B12, beta-carotene, Niacin, Biotin, Pantothenic Acid (B5), Folic Acid. Noni is rich with bio flavonoids, flavone glycosides, linoleic acid, Alizarin, amino acids, acubin, L-asperuloside, caproic acid, caprylic acid, ursolic acid, rutin, and proxeronine.
A research group has successfully identified several new flavonol glycosides, an iridoid glycoside from the Noni leaves, a trisacharide fatty acid ester, rutin, and an asperulosidic acid from the fruit. Besides that Noni contains more than 150 other essential phytonutrients that are highly required for our body

Therefore Noni may help to reduce the risk of bronco constriction associated with asthma. Anti oxidant property of Noni helps to reduce the oxidative stress and neutralizes the damaging effect of free radicals.

Hence a long term use of Noni helps for the asthmatic patients a lot.

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Noni Can help you in Arthritis

What is Arthritis?

Arthritis is an inflammation of one or more joints in the body, though the term is used to describe almost all problems associated with the joints. You may have heard of arthritis referred to as rheumatism. Rheumatic disease refers to any type of arthritis, rheumatism or musculoskeletal disease. There are over 100 conditions altogether, some rare and some common. Arthritis can affect anyone of any age, including children; however, arthritis tends to affect women more than men.

What types of arthritis and rheumatism are there?
There are many forms of arthritis and rheumatism. The most common forms of rheumatic disease are:
• Osteoarthritis - This is the most common form of arthritis. It is also known as degenerative joint disease. Osteoarthritis is more common after the age of 45 and is also more common in women. Osteoarthritis commonly affects weight bearing joints such as the knees, hips, spine and feet. However, you may also get osteoarthritis on smaller joints like the fingers, called Heberden' s nodes (painful, bony growths usually at the end of the fingers) that can make the hands appear knobby and sometimes out of shape. Osteoarthritis of the hands is more common in women as they go through the menopause.
• Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) - This is a type of inflammatory arthritis and is a common disorder, which causes inflammation, pain and stiffness in the joints. RA typically affects the small joints, such as the hands, wrists, elbows and feet. However, RA can affect any joint and can be the most disabling type of arthritis. RA is usually symmetrical - if a joint is affected on one side of the body the other side is also affected. Occasionally, RA can cause inflammation in other body organs such as the heart and lungs. It is known that RA is an autoimmune disease, which means the body's immune system reacts to something abnormal in the body and tries to remove it. In RA the immune system attacks the layers of healthy tissue that line the joint (known as the synovium). The synovium produces a thick lubricating fluid called synovial fluid. This fluid acts like an oil, which lubricates the joint allowing free movement. In RA the synovium becomes much thicker and may produce larger amounts of fluid, causing the joint to become painful, stiff and inflamed. If left untreated the joint can become permanently damaged, resulting in deformity.

• Gout - Gout is a painful type of arthritis that can attack both large and small joints, though it usually only attacks one joint at a time. The condition usually begins with pain in the big toe. Other joints that are affected include the wrists, fingers, ankles, knees and elbows. Gout is caused by high levels of a substance in the bloodstream called uric acid, this condition is known as hyperuricaemia. Uric acid normally forms when the body breaks down a natural chemical in foods called purines. Uric acid is also formed by the breakdown of the body's own tissues, such as blood cells. Uric acid is usually removed from the body by the kidneys and taken out of the body in urine. Uric acid levels can become raised if the kidneys, though healthy cannot get rid of uric acid fast enough or the body begins producing too much uric acid, due to an inherited tendency. Uric acid levels will also tend to be higher if you have kidney disease. When uric acid builds up in the bloodstream it overflows and forms sharp crystals that collect in the joints and soft tissues. The majority of people who have hyperuricaemia (high uric acid levels) will not develop gout.

• Fibromyalgia - Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain disorder that causes fatigue and widespread pain in the muscles, ligaments and tendons (the fibrous tissues in the body), but not the joints. The pain can affect all areas of the body, however, the tender points are usually in specific areas, such as the back of the head and neck, spine, hips, elbows and shoulders. Scientists are unsure of the cause of fibromyalgia. However, research indicates that people who suffer sleep disturbances regularly can develop fibromyalgia, for example if you suffer with arthritis and the pain disturbs your sleep you may go on to develop fibromyalgia (this is called secondary fibromyalgia). Fibromyalgia may also be triggered off during periods of stress or after a major trauma, such as a car crash or an operation, though usually the condition will develop without any obvious trigger.
• Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) or lupus for short is a connective tissue disease, which means it affects tissues throughout the body. Lupus commonly affects the skin, joints, heart, kidneys, lungs and occasionally the brain.

There is another form of lupus called Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (D.L.E.), which usually only affects the skin. This type is less serious and causes itchy red patches or lesions on the skin. These rashes usually occur on the face and neck but can appear on the palms of hands, soles of feet, scalp, elbows and fingertips. Lupus is an autoimmune disease, which means there is a fault in the body's immune system. Normally, the body produces certain chemicals called antibodies, which help the body fight infections, such as viruses. However, if you have an autoimmune disease, your body's immune system attacks its own cells and tissues. In lupus these antibodies, known as auto-antibodies are produced in large amounts causing the inflammation of tissues throughout the body.

• Juvenile arthritis - Juvenile arthritis refers to all types of arthritis that affect children. However, it is fortunately quite rare.

• Polyarthritis - This type affects five or more joints and is more common in girls. This type commonly affects smaller joints like the hands and feet, though larger joints may also be affected. It often affects the same joint on both sides of the body.

• Back pain - this is a common problem and can have a number of causes. Back pain is very common and a major cause of disability and people having days off work. The majority of back pain problems is not serious and only last a few days or weeks and will usually sort themselves out. Back pain might also be referred to as lumbago. Pain in the back usually comes from the muscles, ligaments and joints not moving as they should.

What are the symptoms of arthritis and rheumatism?
The symptoms you experience will depend greatly on the type of arthritis or rheumatism you are suffering with. However, the following symptoms may indicate that you have arthritis or rheumatism:
• Swelling in one or more joints.
• Stiffness around the joints.
• Joints that look red and can be warm to the touch.
• Constant or recurring pain in a joint that has no obvious cause.
• Sudden difficulty in moving or using a joint.

Any joint in the body can be affected by arthritis and rheumatism. However, the knees, fingers and hips are the joints most commonly affected.If you have rheumatoid arthritis you may also experience a mild fever and loss of appetite or energy. Symptoms of arthritis tend to be worse in the morning and sometimes in cold, damp weather. When the affected joints are moved you may hear a click or crack.

Cyclooxygenase (COX) enzyme and Arthritis, Pain, redness, heat, and swelling, which are the markers of inflammation, follow the release of prostaglandins. Aspirin and similar non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) reduce prostaglandins by blocking an enzyme which helps to produce them, called cyclooxygenase (COX).

In recent years some exciting studies have been published that shed light on how to more safely combat arthritis. There are actually two COX enzymes in the body. They are COX-1 and COX-2. COX-1 is called the good COX enzyme, while COX-2 has earned the unflattering name as the bad enzyme. COX1 is easily identifiable and is important in regulating cell function. COX2, on the other hand, is generally undetectable in most tissues, but increases to high levels during acute inflammation. The COX2 enzyme is largely responsible for causing pain and inflammation. Injury, disease, and trauma cause COX2 enzyme to produce prostaglandins, which cause pain and inflammation. In contrast to the COX-2 enzyme, COX-1 enzyme is responsible for protecting the body’s stomach lining and kidneys. COX-1 enzymes continually produce protective prostaglandins.

COX-1 is essential for blood clotting and for protecting the stomach. COX-2 is the key player in inflammation, pain, and fever. NSAIDs and other arthritis medication steeply decrease the body’s production of both enzymes, thereby decreasing inflammation while at the same time causing harm to the stomach and its lining. The ideal situation would be to find a substance that inhibited only COX-2, but did not significantly affect COX-1.

Noni and pain , Noni is a selective COX-2 inhibitor There are several other ways in which Noni may alleviate the undesirable symptoms of arthritis. Pain is the number one complaint with arthritis.

Researchers at an independent research facility found that indeed Noni was a selective inhibitor of COX-2 enzyme. In addition, the Noni did no damage to the COX1 enzyme. When scientists compared the Noni COX2 inhibition ratio of prescription arthritis medications, they found that Noni compared “very favorably” to the prescription medications. Yet, Noni exhibited none of the negative side effects that the prescription medications are known to cause. Next, researchers compared the Noni COX2 inhibition ratio to the COX2 inhibition ratio of NSAIDs. In this category, Noni far out-performed the over-the-counter medications. And again, the Noni did not exhibit any of the negative side effects associated with NSAIDs.

Role of Scopoletin present in Noni in arthritis and inflammation
Another reason for Noni’s pain fighting qualities may stem from several of its constituents. Noni has been shown to contain Scopoletin, which has anti inflammatory effects. Scopoletin is needed in the body for smooth joint movement. It also produces anti-histamine effects. A laboratory in France conducted a study that showed mice, given a liquid form of Noni, increased pain tolerance as reflected by their reaction time to a hot plate. The researchers concluded that Noni helped the mice better deal with the pain from the hot plate.

Noni in fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome (CFIDS) is more than just psychological problems. Researchers have discovered that patients with fibromylgia have abnormalities in the brain and central nervous system. For example, Fibromyalgia patient have significantly less blood flow to the parts of the brain that deal with pain, and they have twice the level of the brain chemical called Substance P, which helps nervous system cells communicate with each other about painful stimuli.

Noni allows the body to produce more Nitric oxide, which has clinically been shown to improve blood flow. From one study, of the 2,399 Noni users that suffered from Fibromyalgia and CFIDS, 78% of them reported lessened symptoms after taking Noni juice
The primary cause of Fibromyalgia is the oxidative stress in our body by which our body is loaded with free radicals and that are not the only cause of fibromyalgia but the origin of uncountable health elements. A good nutritional supplement with rich in all antioxidants can save you from this disease. Only Noni contains lots and lots of most useful and all necessary micro nutrients and its powerful anti oxidant properties help in root out the disease and its unique property of pain reducing and other pharmacological property help a lot to manage the disease in acute cases.

The way in which Noni may help those suffering from this debilitating disease is by its perfect immune modulating and high antioxidant properties, however there are several theories. For instance, an increase in energy after taking Noni juice was reported by 90 percent of the 12,199 people in a survey who were drinking Noni juice. Since many Fibromyalgia and CFIDS folks suffer from loss of energy, an increase in energy from Noni is a very positive effect from the juice.

Noni and Rheumatoid Arthritis
Autoimmune diseases are the most complicated and obstinate type of disorders which doesn’t have any successful treatment plan in the present standard treatment line. The Rheumatoid arthritis is one among them. In this disease the body immunity system begins in attacking the cartilages and the synovial linings of joints, as a result an unbalanced inflammatory process begins significant destruction of healthy tissue. Studies also indicate that free radical production is 5 times higher in RA. A good proper nutritional supplement which will be effective in removal of free radicals from the body. Noni is the best nutritional supplement provider and also a powerful immune modulator of our body. In all auto immune disease especially in rheumatoid arthritis it needs to activate the body immune system to work in an optimal level so that we can prevent and can treat that disease. Rheumatoid arthritis and SLE are such type of diseases those are linked with the body immune system. In those diseases Noni may help a lot by modifying the body immune system. The inflammatory process found in that disease can successfully handle by the use of Noni. All the essential fatty acids present in Noni helps in this aspects

The micronutrients present in Noni. The Noni contain xeronine, all the vitamins, all necessary minerals and 17 amino acids out of 20 and 150+ nutraceuticals those helps in providing the body’s required micronutrients for a smooth and harmonious function of all our system in both health and diseases

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Anxiety disorders are illnesses that cause people to experience exaggerated fright and apprehension in response to external or internal stimuli. These conditions are often related to the biological and psychological makeup of the individual and may be familial in nature. If untreated, these illnesses can significantly reduce productivity and impair a person’s ability to function in daily life. Anxiety can occur independently or in conjunction with other psychiatric or medical conditions, such as depression, phobias, chronic fatigue, cardiac disease, or respiratory compromise. Moreover, chronic anxiety is associated with a higher risk of morbidity and mortality from cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases, such as hypertension, cardiac ischemia, and arrhythmias, and it predisposes people to a range of other disorders. Typically, anxiety disorders are treated with an array of psychoactive medications that alter or increase levels of neurotransmitters. Unfortunately, these medications also carry sometimes significant side effects, including the risk of dependency. A number of nutrients have been identified that act along pathways similar to those of prescription medications or have a general antianxiety effect.
Role of Noni
Anxiety, Homocysteine, and B Vitamins:
Various studies have conclusively linked decreased folate and elevated homocysteine to depressive disorders. However, little is known about the connection between elevated homocysteine and anxiety disorders. In recent years, a number of research teams around the world have conducted preliminary studies examining the possible role of elevated homocysteine in anxiety. The results have been intriguing.
In one study, for instance, 23 patients with Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) were evaluated for folate and homocysteine levels, and their levels were compared with those of healthy control participants. Researchers found that folate levels were significantly lower in OCD patients than in controls and homocysteine levels were higher. Furthermore, the more severe the OCD, the more severe the folate deficiency. In light of this research, it may be prudent for people with anxiety disorders to also measure and supplement with folic acid and B vitamins to lower homocysteine, especially if they are also depressed. Noni contain rich quantity of folate and Vitamin B in a natural form. Hence supplementation of Noni in case of anxiety or OCD is better mode of treatment.

Amino acids. Amino acids, particularly neurotransmitter precursors, are essential to normal brain function. The ability of L-tryptophan and L-tyrosine to produce serotonin and norepinephrine varies directly with plasma concentrations of L-tryptophan and L-tyrosine and inversely with plasma concentrations of other large neutral amino acids. Depletion of serotonin and its precursor L-tryptophan increases symptoms of anxiety, particularly panic disorder. Noni helps naturally to elevate the secretion of serotonin in the brain. NONI juice contains 17 amino acids including all essential amino acids with those L-tryptophan and L-tyrosine too. Hence Noni will help a lot in case of the anxiety neurosis as it enhances the serotonin level in body.

Melatonin. Melatonin, a hormone made from serotonin, has neuroprotective and antioxidant properties, detoxifies free radicals, and stimulates antioxidative enzymes. Some research has shown that people with panic disorders have abnormal melatonin patterns. Noni helps to secret more melatonin from the pineal gland of our body.

Thus Noni may help in case of anxiety neurosis by stimulating more serotonin level in the blood.

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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Noni the best Anti Agent

As the age increasing, one notices the skin losing its glow and becoming dry and rough. This is due to decrease in the moisture content of the stratum corneum or to a decrease in the moisture content of the stratum corneum or to a decrease in vertical height of epidermal cells.
Decrease in the number of Langerhans cells decreases the skins immune response. The reduction of Melanin and decreased immunity, increases the risk for tumorigenesis.

In elderly persons the dermis has a decreased density with fewer cells and blood vessels. The total amount of collagen decreases one percent per year in adulthood. Therefore the skin thickness decreases linearly with age after 20. the remaining collagen fibres become thicker, less soluble and more resistant to digestion by collagenase with age. Noni presents this.

The rate of nail growth also decreases with aging. Nail plates usually become thinner, more brittle and fragile. Hair graying occurs due to loss of functional melanocytes. Of course heredity also plays an important role in hair graying. A decrease in the number of hair follicles in the scalp increases baldness.

Collagen is one of the compounds of connective tissue which occurs not only within the dermis layer of the skin but also found in every organ and structure of human body. Connective tissue is composed of collagen fibres, elastic and the extracellular matrix but the amount and conformation of collagen is different in any given tissue.
Although flexible, collagen fibres offer a great resistance to any pulling force. Collagen fibres are fairly simple proteins and are made up of chains of amino acids. Amino acids are delivered from circulation to the cell called fibrocytes that manufacture collagen. The three important nutrients of collagen namely glycine, hydroxyproline, hydroxylysine are naturally present in Noni. Very rarely any other animal protein contains all the three of these nutrients.

With aging this collagen simply becomes metabolically inert. It loses its responsiveness, flexibility, fluidity, and strength. In the skin, the change in the quality of our collagen manifest as a loss of smoothness, plumpness, and luster. These changes are modifiable and largely preventable. Noni when used both internally and externally promotes the maintenance of healthy skin. The skin apart from protection also helps to absorb nutrients.

Noni because of its amphoteric nature that is the presence of fatty acid like linoleic acid as well as water, when applied externally aids healing of rashes, inflammation prickly heat, rosacens, or other allergic manifestations. These symptoms and allergy may be due to the release of histamine. Noni resists the release of histamine and protects the skin against allergies.

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An aneurysm is an abnormal widening or ballooning of a portion of an artery, related to weakness in the wall of the blood vessel. Some common locations for aneurysms include:

• Aorta (the major artery from the heart) -- see abdominal aortic aneurysm and thoracic aortic aneurysm)

• Brain (cerebral aneurysm)

• Leg (popliteal artery aneurysm)

• Intestine (mesenteric artery aneurysm)

• Splenic artery aneurysm

Causes, incidence, and risk factors
It is not clear exactly what causes aneurysms. Defects in some of the parts of the artery wall may be responsible. In certain cases (abdominal aortic aneurysms), high blood pressure is thought to be a contributing factor. Some aneurysms are congenital (present at birth).
Atherosclerotic disease (cholesterol buildup in arteries) may contribute to the formation of certain types of aneurysms. Pregnancy is often associated with the formation and rupture of aneurysms of the splenic artery (an artery leading to the spleen).

The symptoms vary depending on the location of the aneurysm. Swelling with a throbbing mass at the site of an aneurysm is often seen if it occurs near the body surface. Aneurysms within the body or brain often have no symptoms
In the case of rupture, low blood pressure, high heart rate, and lightheadedness may occur. The risk of death after a rupture is high.

Role of Noni
1. High blood pressure is thought to be a contributing factor of aneurysm.
NONI keeps high blood pressure in check:
The Role of Nitric oxide –
As we are well aware, hypertension has multifactor etiology. It is clear that diet, exercise, and genetics play a role in the human body’s circulatory function.
The level of nitric oxide is believed to be one controller of blood pressure within the body. Noni stimulates and boosts the body’s immune system, therefore enabling the body to produce more nitric oxide in the body. Recent studies have shown how specific extracts from Morinda citrifolia (NONI) produce a significant nitric oxide effect in endothelial cells in vitro. Nitric oxide acts as a vaso dilator to reduce the high blood pressure in hypertensive patient.
The Role of Scopoletin present in Noni to reduce the Hypertension-
Another key component found in Noni that has been connected to lowering blood pressure is scopoletin. Scopoletin, which has been scientifically proven to dilate blood vessels and act as a vaso dilator also helps in lowering the blood pressure.
Role of Xeronine , the alkaloid of Noni in reducing High Blood Pressure and cardiovascular diseases
Xeronine is a small alkaloid that is required in picro gram(trillionth of gram) amounts and is essential to the correct functioning of body. Large amount are used in times of physical or mental stress. In over mental stress condition the blood pressure rises hence the role of xeronine helps in lowering the blood pressure by maintaining the normal function of all cells, enzymes, and keeping all the endocrine system to act in a harmonious way.
The xeronine system promotes a healthy cell structure within the circulatory system thus maintain the blood pressure within the normal range.

The role serotonin in cardiovascular diseases
Serotonin is a neurotransmitter, a specialized molecule that allows nerve cells to communicate and interact with each other. Without neurotransmitters we would be unable to think, perceive, move, or even live. Serotonin also does double duty in the cardiovascular and gastrointestinal systems. It helps regulate the expansion and contraction of blood vessels and the function of platelets, the blood cells that cause blood to coagulate and close a wound. It is synthesized in different parts of the brain and body, where it can be stored or released. The most important raw ingredient is an amino acid called tryptophan. Noni is a good source for tryptophan. When we take Noni the amino acid tryptophan enters ours blood stream and are carried to tissues that will use them to synthesize the body's own proteins and other essential molecules, including serotonin.

2. Defects in some of the parts of the artery wall may be responsible for the formation of aneurysm
If the defect artery tissues are the free radical cause then Noni will help a lot as Noni is an efcetive antioxidant. Noni contain all antioxidant vitamins, all trace minerals, and lots of phyto chemicals. All phytochemicals have powerful antioxidant property. So Noni will help a lot to netralise the free radical damaging efcet over the artery tissues. Besides that Noni also increases the synthesis of antioxidant enzymes in our body . Noni also raise the glutathione level which is a potent antioxidant. Thus Noni protect the artery wall tissue from the oxidative stress injury and prevents the formation of aneurysm.

If the origin of defect of tye artery wall is some other cause then also Noni may help as Noni is rich with nutrients and micronutrients and thus it helps to rejuvinate the cells and also the xeronine alakloid of Noni helps to repair the damage cells. Hence Noni support the artery tissues and prevents it from any damage.

3. Atherosclerotic disease may contribute to the formation of certain types of aneurysms.
Noni prevents the Atherosclerotic changes inside the vessels
The high rise of cholesterol in our blood is one of the causes of atherosclerotic changes inside the vessels. Cholesterol is of two types – HDL (high density lipoprotein) cholesterol and LDL (low density lipoprotein) cholesterol. Among them HDL cholesterol is good for our body. But LDL cholesterol is named as bad cholesterol. . But LDL cholesterol is not really bad in its native form because God did not make a mistake when he created it. Native LDL cholesterol is good. In fact it is essential for building good cell membrane, others cell parts, and many different hormones that our body needs. Problems begin when native LDL cholesterols are oxidized by the free radicals in our body and make them the harmful cholesterol. The high environmental pollutions, our stressful life style, a good nutrients depleted diet are the main causes of over production of free radicals in our body. Those free radicals play the main role to oxidize LDL cholesterol and make it harmful to our body. So to neutralize the notorious activity of those free radicals to convert the native LDL cholesterol to harmful LDL cholesterol it is required some powerful antioxidants. Those antioxidants not only neutralize the effect of free radicals on the vessels cells but also to other cells. NONI have the powerful antioxidant properties that help to neutralize the free radicals role of oxidation of the native LDL cholesterol to harmful LDL cholesterol and thus protects the arterial endothelial lining from injury and future developing atheromatous plaque. The main antioxidants are vitamins A, E and C, beta-carotene, glutathione, bioflavonoid, selenium, zinc, CoQ10 (ubiquinone), and various phyto-chemicals. NONI is rich with Vita A, Beta carotene, Vita E, C, glutathione, bioflavonoid, selenium, zinc, and many more essential phytochemicals. Melatonin, a hormone produced by the pineal gland, is also a potent antioxidant. NONI helps to stimulate more melatonin release from the pineal gland.
Thus Noni prevents the atherosclerotic changes inside the vessels.

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How Noni is helpful in Anemia

Anemia is a common blood disorder characterized by a decrease in the amount of red blood cells, or a decrease in the capacity of red blood cells to transport oxygen. This results in a lack of oxygen reaching the body’s cells and tissues. Referred to as the “hidden hunger” by the World Health Organization, anemia poses significant health risks worldwide. Women are about twice as likely to be anemic as men. This is especially true of premenopausal women; between 4 percent and 8 percent of premenopausal women have iron deficiency anemia.
Anemia is associated with poor health outcomes. Anemia is associated with the following

• Weakness and fatigue
• Irritability
• Shortness of breath
• Headaches
• Sore tongue and bleeding gums
• Pallor
• Nausea and loss of appetite
• Faintness and dizziness
• Confusion and dementia
• Increased heart rate
• Heart failure (in severe cases)

Depending on its cause, anemia is generally classified in three ways: excessive bleeding, decreased red blood cell production, or increased red blood cell destruction.

Excessive bleeding
This form of anemia occurs when someone loses too much blood, either because of an injury (acute anemia) or a chronic disease. When the body loses a large amount of blood, the body reacts by pulling water from surrounding tissues into blood vessels to maintain a healthy blood pressure. This dilutes the blood, lowering the proportion of red blood cells.
Excessive bleeding can result in very serious anemia, depending on the nature of the injury. However, anemia related to chronic conditions, such as recurrent nosebleeds or ulcers in the stomach, develops more slowly and may not be as obvious. This type of anemia sometimes occurs as a result of cancer, especially colon cancer.
Chronic blood loss can cause a deficiency in iron. Iron deficiency anemia is the most common form of anemia. It results in decreased red blood cell production.
Because it can take several months to deplete the body’s supply of iron, it might take a long time for symptoms to develop. In women, this condition is frequently related to excessively heavy menstrual bleeding; in men, it is often related to gastrointestinal bleeding.
Decreased red blood cell production

Red blood cells are manufactured in the bone marrow. This process relies on various nutrients, including iron, vitamin B12, and folic acid, as well as smaller amounts of vitamin C, riboflavin, and copper. Also, the production of red blood cells is stimulated by a hormone called erythropoietin. Deficiencies in any of these nutrients or in erythropoietin can result in anemia. Besides iron deficiency anemia caused by bleeding, other forms of anemia include:

• Pernicious anemia (vitamin B12 deficiency)— Vitamin B12 deficiency is rarely related to a dietary deficiency. Rather, vitamin B12 relies on intrinsic factor, a protein generated by cells in the stomach, to be bound to vitamin B12 and then absorbed in the ileum, the last segment of the small intestine. People who lack intrinsic factor cannot use the available vitamin B12, meaning that anemia can develop even if large amounts of vitamin B12 are consumed. Besides a lack of intrinsic factor, pernicious anemia can be caused by Crohn's disease, stomach surgery, or a strict vegetarian diet.

• Folic acid deficiency anemia—folic acid deficiency is more common than pernicious anemia. Folate deficiency is found in malnourished individuals (especially alcoholics), infants who are fed only cows’ milk, pregnant women, and adults over age 60. It can also be caused by diseases that affect absorption in the small intestine, including Crohn's disease.

• Anemia of chronic disease—Anemia is associated with various chronic diseases and conditions, including infections, inflammatory diseases, and cancers, HIV/AIDS.

• Additionally, aplastic anemia is a rare form of anemia that occurs when bone marrow fails to produce all three types of blood cells: red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Causes of aplastic anemia include autoimmune diseases, viruses, or chemicals. Symptoms include frequent infections (white blood cells are reduced), fatigue (red blood cells are reduced), and bleeding (platelets are reduced).

Increased red blood cell destruction
If the rate of red blood destruction is more rapid than the creation of new red blood cells, hemolytic anemia occurs. Hemolytic anemia can result from infection, certain drugs, autoimmune disorders in which the body attacks and destroys its own red blood cells, and inherited disorders such as sickle cell anemia or thalassemia.

Additionally, an enlarged spleen can result in anemia. The spleen is responsible for destroying old red blood cells; an enlarged spleen can increase the rate of red blood cell destruction beyond the body’s ability to manufacture new red blood cells.

Role of Noni

• In iron deficiency anemia Noni may help to provide the iron, folic acid in natural form.

• Symptoms of folic acid deficiency may include diarrhea and other gastrointestinal problems. Because supplementation with folic acid can mask a vitamin B12 deficiency, folic acid and vitamin B12 should be taken together. Noni contain folate and Vitamin B 12 including all the vitamins. Thus help in case of anemia. In pernicious anemia, the body lacks intrinsic factor, which is needed to carry vitamin B12 from the digestive tract into the bloodstream. This condition often affects the gastrointestinal tract and the nervous system, with symptoms that range from weakness to vertigo to angina. Noni may enhance the intrinsic factor in blood and thus help in pernicious anemia

• Trace minerals can be an adjunctive nutritional therapy to reduce the effect of anemia on normal red blood cell function. Copper, zinc, and selenium are used in biochemical processes such as cellular utilization of oxygen, DNA and RNA reproduction, maintenance of cell membrane integrity, and sequestration of free radicals. Noni contain all essential trace minerals and thus helps in anemia

• It has been found that a regular use of Noni enhances the Hb% in blood. As Noni contain all the macro and micro nutrients thus help a lot in case of anemia

• Noni also helps therapeutically the condition of cancer and AIDS which are one of the cause of anemia.

• There are many autoimmune diseases that develop anemia. Noni is a powerful immunomodulator and thus help in various autoimmune diseases and helps in case of anemia too

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NONI is helpful in Amnesia

Amnesia occurs when the portion of the brain responsible for retrieving stored memories is somehow compromised. This region of the brain is known as the limbic system; it comprises the hippocampus, the amygdala, and portions of the cortex. Besides retrieving memory, the limbic system is responsible for coordination of emotion and motivation and for some of the functions of the endocrine system.

People are amnesiac when the memory retrieval portion of the limbic system isn’t working properly but there is otherwise no change in language, attention span, visual/spatial functioning, or motivation.

Forms of Amnesia: Different Ways to Forget
There are two types of memory. Short-term or “working” memory stores information one needs to remember in the next few seconds, minutes, or hours (e.g., a telephone number or driving directions). Long-term memory includes relational and procedural memory. Relational memory is concerned with relationships among objects and depends on the hippocampus. In amnesia, both relational memory and short-term memory may be impaired. Procedural memory represents memory for single objects or tasks (e.g., riding a bicycle) and depends on cortical processors that remain intact in amnesia. This helps explain why amnesiacs often remember basic skills and motor function.

There are several forms of amnesia:

• Anterograde amnesia is the most common. It is characterized by the inability to store, retain, or recall new knowledge after the event that triggers the onset of amnesia. Patients in this state often cannot remember what they ate for their last meal or events from the immediate past. This is the type of amnesia seen in dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

• Retrograde amnesia is the loss of memories of events that occurred before the onset of amnesia. This is the form of amnesia most people think of when they hear the word amnesia. It often occurs after a head injury.

• Transient global amnesia is a temporary loss of all memory, especially the ability to form new memories, with milder loss of past memories, going back several hours. This form is rare and seen mostly in older people. It usually dissipates within 24 to 48 hours. Transient global amnesia may be caused by migraine, small seizures in the temporal lobe, or transient ischemic attacks. Patients with this condition may become disoriented and repeatedly ask who they are, where they are, and what they are doing. Because this form of amnesia typically resolves on its own and only rarely recurs, there is no recommended treatment for it.

There are many possible causes of amnesia. The most common include Alzheimer’s disease, traumatic brain injury (head trauma), brain infection (such as encephalitis or meningitis), dementia, seizures, and stroke. Less common causes include a brain tumor or psychiatric disorders (schizophrenia, depression, criminal behavior, or psychogenic amnesia). Psychogenic amnesia usually happens in close association with a stressful event that involves serious threat to life or health.

Amnesia can occur because of brain damage that interferes with memory storage, retrieval, or consolidation. What ultimately causes the memory loss—a failure to store memories or a failure to retrieve them—remains unclear. Amnesia is also a symptom of Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. Wernicke-Korsakoff is caused by a severe thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency due to chronic alcoholism or malnourishment. Thiamine is necessary for the body to process carbohydrates. Besides amnesia, symptoms of Wernicke-Korsakoff include confusion, loss of balance, drowsiness, and problems with vision, such as double vision or rapid movement of the eye. In severe cases, the memory loss may be accompanied by agitation and dementia.

Role of Noni

• Noni may help boost memory and provide support for the brain. These work through various mechanisms: enhancing cerebral blood flow, increasing neurotransmitter levels, reducing free radicals, and restoring cell membrane fluidity.

• Acetylcholine is an essential neurotransmitter involved in muscle control, sleep, and cognition. By boosting acetylcholine levels in the brain, the hypothesis proposes, it may be possible to reverse cognitive deficits. Noni helps in boosting the acetylcholine level in blood.

• Noni helps in amnesia by boosting glucose metabolism and stimulating production of acetylcholine has been shown to improve the condition of patients experiencing age-associated memory impairment or cognitive decline
• Noni may play a specific role in protecting the brain by preventing the kind of neuronal toxicity, beta-amyloid, a toxic protein implicated in the formation of senile plaques in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients. Noni helps as it acts like an effective detoxifier.

• Many studies have shown that hormone levels in the brain are closely tied to cognitive function and memory. Pregnenolone, the “master” sex hormone, is the first hormone in the cascade. It is derived from cholesterol. In the body, pregnenolone is converted into other important hormones, including dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), estrogens, progesterone, and testosterone. Aging causes a sharp decline in pregnenolone production, and levels of the hormones for which it is a precursor tend to decline with age as well. Noni may enhances the pregnenolone level and thus help in case of amnetia

• Noni is an effective antioxidant as it contain all antioxidant vitamins, trace minerals and 150 above phytochemicals. Oxidative stress may be the baseline cause of derangement function of limbic system of brain. Noni by its effective antioxidant property may help in amnetia

• Noni contains lots of phytochemicals such as scopoletin, anthraquinone groups, limonene those are having effective antioxidant with vasodilator and neuroprotective property. Noni is an effective scavenger of hydroxyl radicals and has been shown to inhibit lipid peroxidation of cell membrane. It leads to enhanced cerebral circulation and decreased platelet aggregation.

• Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) is lipid-soluble and interacts with cell membranes, traps free radicals, and disrupts the pathway that leads to cell damage . It has also demonstrated (in animal models) the ability to reduce degeneration of hippocampal cells after cerebral ischemia. Noni contain vitamin E and also all antioxidant vitamins in abundant quantity.

• Vitamins B1 and B12- Vitamin B1 (thiamine) is water-soluble and necessary for the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. It has been shown to mimic acetylcholine in the brain, which may account for its possible effects in Alzheimer’s and other dementias. Thiamine is also involved in nerve transmissions within cholinergic neurons, which are known to deteriorate in Alzheimer’s disease. Noni contains all the vitamins including Vitamin B complex in rich quantity.

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NONI helps in Allergy

Allergies are extremely common. Seasonal allergies (commonly called hay fever) is a common phenomenon. In children younger than 11 years old, allergic dermatitis (inflammation of the skin) is the most common skin condition. Allergies can affect people of all ages, although they tend to develop in childhood or adolescence. The leading risk factor for allergies is exposure to an allergen, even though there is a genetic component to allergies, and newer studies have linked them to obesity in women.
Allergies occur because of an exaggerated immune response to a substance called an allergen. To be effective, the immune system must operate within a narrow balance; a lack of immune response leads to easy infection, while an overactive immune system can lead to autoimmune diseases (in which the body attacks itself) or allergies (in which the body overreacts to otherwise harmless substances).
Common inhaled allergens include pollen, animal dander, dust, mold, and insect parts . Ingested allergens include medications (penicillin, for example) and foods such as milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish, fish, wheat, and soy. People can also be allergic to plants, nickel, copper, and latex.
Symptoms of allergies include the following (NIH 2005a):
• Runny nose
• Tearing, burning, or itching eyes
• Red eyes (conjunctivitis)
• Swollen eyes
• Itching (nose, mouth, throat, skin, or any other area)
• Wheezing
• Coughing
• Difficulty breathing
• Hives
• Skin rashes
• Stomach cramps
• Vomiting
• Diarrhea
• Headache
The most severe form of allergic reaction is called anaphylaxis. This is a serious condition that results in respiratory distress and swelling of the larynx. It often appears within minutes of exposure to a specific allergen and should be treated rapidly because death can occur within minutes or hours after the first symptoms appear.

Relieving allergy symptoms represents a large and extremely lucrative business for drug companies. Medicines frequently prescribed or sold over the counter for allergy relief include antihistamines, decongestants, and corticosteroids. While these medicines work, they may have significant side effects. Antihistamines, for example, can cause drowsiness, dry mouth, blurred vision, constipation, and many other unwanted effects. Oral corticosteroids taken for more than three or four weeks are associated with significant side effects, including a weakened immune system and many other unwanted consequences.
Fortunately, it is possible, by use of nutritional therapy, to reduce allergy symptoms through more natural methods. Additionally, antioxidants such as vitamin E, vitamin C, glutathione, and coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) defend the body against oxidative molecules that are formed during the allergy response.
What Makes an Allergy Attack
In most allergy cases, the body is first sensitized to a foreign protein (allergen), causing the production of an antibody called immunoglobulin E (IgE). The newly produced IgE antibody circulates in the bloodstream, where it attaches to another kind of white blood cell called a basophil. In addition, IgE binds to mast cells, a type of white blood cell located in the skin and the mucosal lining.

The next time the allergen is recognized, the IgE antibody provokes the release of chemicals that cause a typical allergy attack. These chemicals include histamine, prostaglandins, and leukotrienes. Histamine in particular is an important target for allergy medications. Produced by mast cells, histamine causes localized swelling and inflammation. Many conventional treatments block the action of histamine. Certain nutrients have been shown to depress the activity of mast cells.

Besides the release of histamine, activated mast cells cause inflammation in other ways. During the inflammatory response to an allergen, pro-inflammatory chemicals are released from mast cells. In response to the pro-inflammatory chemicals, leukocytes (white blood cells) are attracted. The result of this cascade is inflamed tissue and increased production of white blood cells—a runny nose and increased mucus secretion in the lungs.

Role of Noni
Noni contains many active ingredients that have been shown to suppress allergic reactions. It relieves allergy symptoms by preventing the activation of immune responder cells
Noni contains several active constituents, such as flavonoids, polyphenols, catechins, and caffeine. Catechins such as epigallocatechin, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), and epicatechin gallate are potent antioxidants. By studying mast cells that release histamine, researchers found that EGCG blocks the IgE receptor, which is involved in the allergic response.

Noni contains carotenoids, vitamin C, vitamin E, calcium, potassium, and flavonoids and rutin. It has anti-inflammatory effects

Noni has a powerful effect on raising glutathione levels in the body. Glutathione is a naturally occurring antioxidant that protects cells from the damage inflicted by free radicals. It prevents oxidative cell damage and is involved with immune system function. Glutathione depletion is linked to many chronic diseases.

Noni has been found to enhance T cell function. Noni increases the levels of IL-4. IL-4 enhances the ability of T cells to regulate pro-inflammatory cells, which further suggests that Noni can help reduce inflammation.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is found abundant in Noni. It appears that vitamin C increases the function of many immune cells, including T cells, phagocytes (which destroy invader cells), and others. As an antioxidant, ascorbic acid can protect cells from reactive oxygen species known to cause tissue damage and disease. Vitamin C has antihistamine properties (Johnston CS et al 1996) that can help relieve allergy symptoms.

Vitamin E. Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that acts as a free-radical scavenger. It protects cell membranes and prevents damage to membrane-associated enzymes. Studies indicate lower levels of antioxidants such as vitamin E increase the risk of allergies threefold .

Magnesium. Magnesium is utilized by every cell in the body and participates in energy metabolism and protein synthesis. The body vigilantly protects blood magnesium levels, in part because at least 350 enzymatic processes depend on magnesium status for activation. As magnesium levels decline, the incidence of allergies and asthma increases, and magnesium has been used in the acute treatment of asthma attacks. Magnesium directly depresses smooth muscle activity, which may help relieve the broncho constriction seen in asthma. Noni contains this trace mineral in abundant quantity with a chealated form.

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Saturday, April 24, 2010


The Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a serious condition that weakens the body's immune system, leaving it unable to fight off illness. AIDS is the last stage in a progression of diseases resulting from a viral infection known as the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV or AIDS virus). The diseases include a number of unusual and severe infections, cancers and debilitating illnesses, resulting in severe weight loss or wasting away, and diseases affecting the brain and central nervous system.
The immune system is a network of cells, organs and proteins that work together to defend and protect the body from potentially harmful, infectious microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi.
When the immune system is missing one or more of its components, the result is an immunodeficiency disorder. AIDS is an immunodeficiency disorder.

Lymphocytes (white blood cells) are one of the main types of immune cells that make up the immune system. There are two types of lymphocytes: B cells and T cells. (T cells are also called CD4 cells, CD4 T cells, or CD4 cell lymphocytes). B cells secrete antibodies (protein) into the body's fluids to ambush and attack antigens (foreign protein). T cells attack and destroy infected or malignant cells in the body.

There are two types of T cells: helper T cells and killer T cells. Helper T cells recognize the antigen and activate the killer T cells. Killer T cells then destroy the antigen.

When HIV is introduced into the body, this virus is too strong for the helper T cells and killer T cells. The virus then invades the cells and starts to reproduce itself, thereby free to infect otherwise healthy cells.
The HIV virus cannot be destroyed and lives in the body undetected for months or years before any sign of illness appears. With the T cells inactivated, other viruses, parasites or cancer cells (called "opportunistic diseases") which would not have been able to get past a healthy body's defense, can multiply within the body without fear of destruction. Commonly seen opportunistic diseases in persons with HIV infection include: Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP), tuberculosis, cytomegalovirus retinitis and Kaposi's sarcoma.

Symptoms of AIDS and HIV Infection

Some people infected with HIV are asymptomatic (no symptoms) while others may develop symptoms of HIV from two to 15 years after initial infection. The symptoms are as follows:
extreme fatigue (severe weakness)
rapid weight loss from an unknown cause (more than 10 kgs. in two months for no reason)
appearance of swollen or tender glands in the neck, armpits or groin, for no apparent reason, lasting for more than four weeks
unexplained shortness of breath, frequently accompanied by a dry cough, not due to allergies or smoking

persistent diarrhea
intermittent high fever or soaking night sweats of unknown origin
a marked change in an illness pattern, either in frequency, severity, or length of sickness
appearance of one or more purple spots on the surface of the skin, inside the mouth, anus or nasal passages
whitish coating on the tongue, throat or vagina
forgetfulness, confusion and other signs of mental deterioration
It can take as short as a year to as long as 10 to 15 years to go from being infected with HIV to "full-blown" AIDS.
A person is considered to have AIDS when they have a T cell count (also called CD4 cell count) of 200 or less (healthy T cell levels range from 500 to 1500/mm3 of blood) or they have an AIDS-defining condition. The AIDS-defining conditions are: Candidiasis, Cervical cancer (invasive), Coccidioidomycosis, Cryptococcosis, Cryptosporidiosis Cytomegalovirus disease, Encephalopathy (HIV-related), Herpes simplex, Histoplasmosis, psoriasis, Kaposi's sarcoma, Lymphoma (certain types), Mycobacterium avium complex Pneumocystis carnie pneumonia, Pneumonia (recurrent), Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, Salmonella septicemia (recurrent), Toxoplasmosis of the brain, Tuberculosis, Wasting syndrome
People who are not infected with HIV may also develop these diseases; this does not mean they have AIDS. To be diagnosed with AIDS, a person must have positive HIV test.

From the previous paragraphs we came to know that AIDS is a syndrome defined by the presence of one or more of 30 independent diseases-when accompanied by a positive result on a test that detects antibodies to HIV. The same disease conditions are not defined as AIDS when the antibody test is negative. There are cases of HIV-positive persons who remain healthy for more than a decade and who may never suffer from AIDS. There are many cases of persons with all the symptoms of AIDS who do not have any HIV infection. There are also many cases of persons who have been infected by HIV for more than a decade and show no signs of illness. AIDS does not spread through the general population. Rather, it remains almost entirely confined to the original risk groups, mainly sexually promiscuous gay men and drug abusers. The number of HIV-infected persons has remained constant for years instead of increasing rapidly as predicted, which suggests that HIV is an old virus that has been with us for centuries without causing an epidemic. As other viruses do, HIV multiplies rapidly, and it sometimes is accompanied by a mild, flu like illness. At this stage, while the virus is present in great quantity and causing at most mild illness in the ordinary way, it does no observable damage to the immune system. On the contrary, the immune system rallies as it is supposed to do and speedily reduces the virus to negligible levels. Once this happens, the primary infection is over. If HIV does destroy the immune system, it does so years after the immune system has virtually destroyed it. By then the virus typically infects very few of the immune system’s T-cells.

So there are certainly some other additional causative cofactors that derange the immunological system of our body with the presence of HIV. Those are the immunological stressor or oxidizing agents.

The etiologic or causal factors for AIDS – immunological stressors – change from person to person, from risk group to risk group, from country to country, and from continent to continent. Five types of immunological stressor agents can alter the functioning of the immune system: chemical, physical, biological, mental, and nutritional. Our soil, water, air, and food are polluted with numerous chemical, physical, biological, and nutritional stressors. We are all exposed to stressor agents either involuntarily through the conditions under which we are obligated to live or voluntarily through life styles that we have chosen. AIDS occurs in groups of people who - through their living conditions or life styles- are more heavily exposed than others to the multiple, repeated, and chronic actions of immunological stressor agents. These stressors can produce toxicity (immunotoxic effect) and can activate the regular molecular and cell networks (immunogenic effect) when acting on immunocompetent cells. Both immunotoxic and excessive immunogenic effects (over stimulation of immune responses) induce degeneration of cells and the functioning of the immune system. AIDS is the most severe of all acquired immunodeficiencies, secondary to multiple, repeated, and chronic exposures to immunological stressors. These progressive and continuous deleterious actions upon the immune system bring the individual to a collapse of immunological functions.

At the molecular level, AIDS is caused by the accumulation of free radicals, especially oxidizing agents, in all systems, organs, and tissues, but principally within the cells and chemical reactions of the immune system. As a consequence, the clinical manifestations of AIDS- opportunistic infections, tumors, and metabolic disturbances and conditions - as well as the severity of the illness are directly proportional to the levels of free radicals, especially oxidizing agents in the tissues of the AIDS patient.
So to neutralize those oxidizing agents, the harmful activity of free radicals it is required to protect our body by providing a powerful antioxidant.

INDIAN NONI Juice Found To Be High In Antioxidants. NONI have the powerful antioxidant properties that help to neutralize the effects of free radicals, allowing the body to restore itself to proper balance leading to health and well-being. The main antioxidants are vitamins A, E and C, betacarotene, glutathione, bioflavonoids, selenium, zinc, CoQ10 (ubiquinone), and various phyto-chemicals. NONI is rich with Vit A, Beta carotene, Vit E, C, glutathione, bioflavonoids, selenium, zinc, and many more essential phytochemical. Melatonin, a hormone produced by the pineal gland, is also a potent antioxidant. NONI helps to stimulate more melatonin release from the pineal gland.

Why Noni works as powerful antioxidants –

There are two reasons –
Unique Combinations of Substances
For a fruit, Noni has an impressive combination of ingredients.
It has a rich complement of vitamins and minerals; including A, B vitamins (including the rare B-12), C, E, Iron, calcium, sodium, potassium, zinc and several trace minerals. It also has 17 out of total 20 amino acids including all the essential amino acid. Terpenes, fungicides, adaptogens, glycosides, polysaccharides and other unique ingredients that even in small amounts can have significant physiological effects can be found in Noni.

Synergy of its Substances
The many known, and even some of the unknown substances, come together in a way that support the needs of many of our internal systems, concurrently. As the word synergy implies, these substances work far better in combination than they do separately. Many of the ingredients in Noni are found in varying amounts in other foods or herbs. There seems to be no known food or herb with either the rich list of substances or the high amounts of key substances all put together in one super food. Noni aids the body’s natural healing abilities.

Current studies have revealed that Noni helps prompting a healthy immune system by either enhancing an already functioning system or by stimulating a sluggish one.

Noni the super natural nutritional supplement that keep your immune system active
Keep in mind that your body is an excellent self-healing machine. And what fuels it? Nutrition.
Pharmaceutical drugs have only been available for the past 100 years. For the rest of human history the human body has survived on natural foods alone. The fact is that your body, when supplied with the correct nutrition, will rarely breakdown.
Nothing but Noni Juice is a Super-Food. It contains –

Some of the biological activity of anthraquinones includes fighting inflammation, bacteria, parasites and tumors. Some of these compounds are also considered analgesic (pain relievers).

These substances, once called “glucosides” are found in abundance in the plant kingdom. These simple sugars are glucose, xylose, fructose, or any other sugar. Some glycosides are valuable heart treatments, and include derivatives of digitalis for the treatment of heart ailments.

Sterols include cholesterol found in animals and ergosterol found in plants. The plant sterols, called phytosterols alleviate problems associated with high levels of “bad” cholesterol (LDL) in our bodies, and can cause cardiovascular disease. Noni juice is an important source of (beta-) sitosterols, stigmasterol and campesterol—the three most nutritionally important phytosterols
Terpenes are the major components in the oils of citrus fruits and they include the bioflavanoids and carotenoids.

Other Components
This fiber is a non-cellulose complex sugar and performs important functions within the gastrointestinal tract
Scopoletin belongs to a group of compounds called coumarins, which cares for the liver, inhibits the growth of E. coli in the gut
Xeronine is a small alkaloid that is required in picrogram (trillionth of gram) amounts and is essential to the correct functioning of the body. Large amounts are used in times of physical or mental stress.
Amino Acids
Of the twenty amino acids, including the nine essential for our health, seventeen are found in Noni juice. If an individual does not get a complete protein balance, then production and maintenance of muscles, connective tissue, blood-clotting factors, blood transport systems, visual pigments and the protein matrix inside bones would be at risk.
Fatty Acids
Many important fatty acids found in Noni are important to the overall complex metabolic processes of the body.Acetic acid is the main acid that all fatty acids are made from.
Caprylic acid another fatty acid, inhibits yeast and fungal overgrowth in the body.
Linoleic acid which cannot be manufactured in the body, serves these important functions:

Other Acids
Benzoic Acid, Butanoic Acid, Decanoic Acid, Elaidic Acid, Heptanoic Acid, Hexanedioic Acid, Hexanoic Acid, Isobutyric Acid, Isocaproic Acid, Isolavenic Acid, Lauric Acid, Linoleic Acid, Mystiric Acid, n-butyric Acid, Nonanoic Acid, Octaduenoic Acid, Oleic Acid, Palmitic Acid, Ricinoleic Acid, Stearic Acid, Undecanoic Acid, Unolic Acid, Valeric Acid

Vitamins and Minerals
A, C, E, B1, B2, B6, B12, Niacin, Biotin, Pantothenic Acid (B5), Folic Acid, Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Zinc, Copper, Chromium, Manganese, Molybdenum, Sodium Potassium.

Fructose, Glucose, Hexose, Rhamnose, Pentose
In addition to the antioxidant activity in Noni, Dr. Ralph Heinicke, Ph.D., has pinpointed constituents in Noni that he believes are responsible for the Juice’s ability to promote cellular growth. These are parts of his postulated xeronine system, which consists of proxeronine, proxeroninease, and xeronine.

The xeronine theory, which is based on much of Dr. Heinicke’s work, postualates that once in the body, proxeronine travels to specific parts of cells, such as the mitochondria, microsomes, Golgiapparatus, reticuloendothelium, electron transport system, DNA, RNA, and etc. Within the cell, these components communicate with each other (intracellular) and with other cells (intercellular). This communication between cells may work according to the theories of several Nobel Prize winning doctors.

We invite you to Drink Indian NONI as part of your daily diet to keep your immune system strong enough to fight various life threatening diseases like AIDS

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Acne Treatment and NONI

Acne (acne vulgaris) is a dermatologic condition characterized by lesions that most often appear on the face and neck, but also develop on the chest, back, shoulders and upper arms. Approximately 80 percent to 95 percent of adolescents develop some degree of acne. Acne is characterized by pimples, cysts and abscesses. It occurs when the pores in the skin are blocked, trapping oil, dead skin and bacteria in the hair follicles. Under normal circumstances, glands (called sebaceous glands) attached to hair follicles secrete an oily substance known as sebum. This sebum typically travels up the hair follicle and onto the skin. However, if the hair follicle is blocked, the sebum can’t get out, sometimes causing the formation of a blackhead. This is the result of the blocked oil oxidizing, causing inflammation and an influx of white blood cells. Meanwhile, normally present bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes) begin to break down the trapped sebum within the hair follicle. This results in further inflammation, as white blood cells attack the bacteria. Pus forms as the lesion enters the whitehead stage. In more severe stages, an abscess—a pus-filled pocket within the skin—may form. Although most pimples won’t leave lasting scars, anything that damages the dermis (the layer of skin just underneath the epidermis) can leave a permanent scar.
Types of Acne Lesions
• Open comedones (blackheads): These are dilated hair follicles that are filled with sebum, dead cells and bacteria, and which have central, dark, solid plugs. The follicles are not completely blocked; the black appearance is caused by oxidation, not dirt.
• Closed comedones (whiteheads): These form when skin cells and oil completely block the opening of a hair follicle, usually after a blackhead has formed.
• Nodules: These are solid, dome- or irregularly shaped, inflamed lesions that extend deep into the skin, sometimes causing tissue damage and scarring if not treated. Nodular acne, which can be painful, is the most severe form of the disease.
• Papules: This type of whitehead (5 mm or less) is one that has become swollen, red and inflamed
• Cysts: These sac-like lesions contain white blood cells, bacteria and dead cells in a liquid or semi-liquid state. They can result in scarring, and may be very painful and severely inflamed. Cysts and nodules often appear together to form nodulocystic acne, also very severe.
• Pustules: This whitehead is pus-filled and inflamed. Once they rupture into the skin, they form pustular heads.
Acne can be caused by environmental and genetic factors. The role of hormones in the development of acne is apparent at puberty, when there is a surge in the production of male hormones (which are present in both males and females), enlarging the sebaceous glands in the skin. This results in increased sebum production, which leads to the aforementioned plug formation, creating as well a fertile environment in which bacteria can multiple. Unlike male-hormone androgens, female-hormone estrogens have a beneficial effect on acne, which is why some doctors recommend birth control pills for women who have acne. But when a woman’s estrogen levels decline, as they do just before the beginning of a menstrual cycle, acne may worsen.
Acne or acne-like lesions can develop in response to various substances, including corticosteroids, lithium, and some psychotropic drugs. Use of many types of cosmetics, oil-based hair products, and suntan lotions can block oil glands and worsen acne.
Role of Noni

Noni for acne can help reduce inflammation, and infection. Acubin, L-asperuloside, and alizarin present in the Noni have the antibacterial activity. Other ingredients anthraquinone compounds are also proven antibacterial agents. These compounds have been shown to fight against infectious bacteria strains such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus morgaii, Staphylococcus aureus, Baciillis subtilis, Escherichia coli, Salmonella, and Shigela.
Vitamins A and E. The benefits of vitamins A and E in acne was highlighted in a recent study in which investigators identified plasma vitamin A and E concentrations in 100 untreated patients with acne, compared with 100 healthy controls. Plasma concentrations of both vitamins in patients with acne were significantly lower than those of the controls, and a strong relationship between a decline in vitamin A and E levels and an increase in the severity of acne was noted (El-Akawi Z et al 2006). Noni contain abundant quantity of Vitamin A and E thus may help a lot in Acne cases
Lipoic acid. Research into the efficacy of lipoic acid in the treatment of acne goes back several decades. Reportedly, lipoic acid activates a factor in the body known as AP-1, which produces enzymes that digest damaged collagen and helps erase scars, including acne scars (Kovalev VM 1981a,b). Lipoic acid is an ingredient in several topical acne remedies. Noni contains the Lipoic acid in natural form
Zinc. This mineral appears to perform a threefold role in the treatment of acne. It helps reduce inflammation; kills Propionibacterium acnes, the main bacteria associated with the disease, and produces changes in the skin environment that make it more hostile to this bacterium for a longer time. In a double-blind study, a combination of 1.2 percent zinc and 4 percent erythromycin in a topical lotion was used by 14 individuals with acne. The combination significantly reduced secretion of sebum after six weeks of treatment. Noni contain this essential rare mineral and thus helps in Acne cases.
Essential Fatty Acids. The omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are well-known anti-inflammatories that have been shown in some studies to reduce inflammation. Several studies have found that omega-3 fatty acids are absorbed through the skin and can reduce inflammation in a particular area .
Noni contains all the essential fatty acids and thus helps in case of Acne.
Skin healing:
Noni contain lipoic acid, betacarotene, protein, and vitamins A, C, and E. These ingredients reportedly repair damaged tissue and mitigate free-radical damage and thus helps in the healing process in acne
Cleansers: Noni acts like a good cleanser. Noni detoxify our body.
Antibacterial/anti fungal:
Noni for acne can help reduce inflammation, and infection. Acubin, L-asperuloside, and alizarin in the Noni have antibacterial activity as well as some other ingredients anthraquinone compounds are also proven antibacterial agents
Astringents: Noni acts like an effective astringents and remove excess facial oil.

The Role of Diet in Acne
Diet has long been suspected as a contributor to acne. Many people strongly believe that such foods as greasy pizza, chocolate and refined sugars cause acne. Meanwhile, the conventional dermatological community is adamant that diet does not contribute to acne, dismissing most dietary concerns as myths.

According to the few well-designed scientific studies, the truth is probably somewhere between these two extremes. There is some very preliminary evidence that a diet with a high glycemic index—that is, one contributing to glucose in the blood—may contribute to acne. Noni contain the carbohydrates of very low glycemic index value

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Time for Us To Change!

Do you know what is the impact of modern medication on our health? Today, we are running to doctors for every small health issue due to our ever-growing over-fascination towards medication. Antibiotics, painkillers, antacids, sedatives and steroids have become essential requirements of ours on a day-to-day basis! Since we have completely closed our eyes towards protective and preventive aspects of our health, the price we may have to pay will be too high! This is not the right attitude towards ‘Health Consciousness! On the contrary, this is an increasingly found ‘Health Ignorance’! This trend is going to result in a dangerous situation, which is waiting to attack us just in a few decades!

Do you know that the bacteria all over the planet are rapidly becoming resistant to all the antibiotics? Do you know that we will effectively be back to the ‘Pre-antibiotic era’ in just a few years, considering the current rate of growth of antibiotic resistance of the bacteria?

Currently, we have just one single type of antibiotic that can trace different types and strains of bacteria, all around the world. However the bacteria are becoming resistant to this antibiotic rapidly! Unfortunately, there are no new antibiotics that are being developed globally! They are not even there in the research pipeline! When the bacteria become totally antibiotic resistant, what shall we do? What do we use? What? What??

Isn’t it time for us to change? Yes! We must change our living pattern! We cannot poison our body and play with our health with drugs, chemo or radiation. As per the holistic approach of healing, it must address the whole body, ignite the internal healing force and stimulate the natural abilities of the body to heal itself. Health can only be achieved through healthy living. Experts recognize that there are five main causes of gene damage. They are diet, drugs, alcohol, smoking and harmful sunrays. Two thirds of the cancers are caused by at least two of these factors. To be precise, there is only one way out for all of us, and that is prevention! Truly, prevention is better than cure!

Prevention means making our body, the disease protecting power of our body, strong enough to challenge any adverse health situation. Our body has an amazing disease protection mechanism called the immune system. It is designed to defend and protect us from millions of bacteria, microbes, viruses, toxins and parasites that are simply waiting to invade and harm our body.
To understand the power of the immune system, let us look at what happens to our body when we die! When we die, our immune system shuts down along with everything else! Now, just in a matter of hours, all sorts of bacteria, microbes and parasites invade our Time for Us To Change! body, which were unable to get into our body when we were alive. when our immune system was in action. However when we die, our immune system stops working and the door is wide open for our enemies. It takes just a few weeks for these elements to completely dismantle our body, leaving just the skeleton. This must clearly tell you what our immune system is doing not to allow dismantling of our body when we are alive.
There is a philosophy that says we live in an ocean of bacteria and viruses. However it is not these microorganisms that causes disease but an inefficient immune system of our body! Every second, millions and millions of bacteria, microbes, viruses enter our body, which starts fighting against them and defeats them. God has created our body so marvelously that our immune system has the ability to go on fighting without taking any rest in order to keep our body healthy and solid.
Its time we seriously start rebuilding our immune system! We must immediately boost our immune system so that we could be saved! For this, we need something that is powerful, holistic and natural! We need a dynamic nutritional supplement that is capable of igniting our immune system to fight those lethal agents. And the answer is Indian Noni!

N = Natural, O = Oxidative Stress Reducer, N = Nutritional Supplement,
I = Immunity Enhancer!
‘NONI’, when translated means ‘A Gift from God’. In this modern time, Noni has drawn serious attention of well-qualified botanists, scientists, researchers and medical professionals from across the world! Indian Noni appears to be nature’s universal solution for almost all illnesses, as a food supplement. Indian Noni is a God gifted, natural, nutrient packed health supplement that is full of anti oxidants, rich in vitamins and minerals. It is one of the natural nutritional supplements our body and our cells are seeking to rebuild our immune system strong enough.
As long as there is breath in your body you will never ever cease to be a seeker of truth! The world now is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.
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Benefits of Regular Use - NONI

The regular use of NONI ...
Help to Manage Pain Rejuvenates
the Body Revitalises
the Cells
Reduces Inflammation Releases Stress Purifies Blood
Improves Digestion Enhances
Wellbeing Regular Immune System
Regulates Cell function
Maintains healthy Skin, Hair and Scalp.
An effective Anti - Oxidant.
Protects you from Toxins and Pollutants.
Reduces the risk of developing cancer.
Improves the memory and concentration.
Inhibits tumour growth.
Reduces chances of Premature onset of age-related diseases such as Arthritis, Heart disease, Diabetes or Strokes.
Protects against Viral and Bacterial strain that have become anti-biotic resistant.
There is no other supplement which works at the molecular level to build the cells like NONI.
These are only a few examples of an extensive list of benefits that regular consumers of NONI have experienced.

for more information on noni please visit us at

Morinda Cirifolia Fruit - NONI

The Constiuents of Morinda Citrifolia Fruit

Anthraquinones :

Anthragallol 1, 2-dimethlyl ether
2-methyl-3, 5 , 6-trihydroxy-anthraquinones




beta carotene
Ursolic acid




Amino Acids






Acetic acid
Decanoic acid
Isocaproie acid
Valeric acid
Octanoic (caprylic)
Ricinoleic acid
Unolic Acid

benzoic acid
elaidic acid
hexanoic acid
isolavenic acid
mystiric acid
nonanoic Acid
oleic acid
slearic acid

butanoic acid
heptanoic acid
isobutyric acid
lauric acid
n-butyric acid
octaduenoic acid
plmitic acid
undecanoic acid









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